When your application is in maintenance mode, all routes are temporarily inaccessible, and a custom “503 Service Unavailable” page is displayed. To restore normal operation, you need to disable maintenance mode.

Below are all the possible ways to disable maintenance mode

Disabling Maintenance Mode via Artisan Command

The easiest way to disable maintenance mode is through the Artisan command. Go to your cPanel and open the terminal after that, go to your project directory through the terminal and run the below command.

php artisan up

This will restore the application from maintenance mode, making it accessible to the public again.

Disable Maintenance Mode via cPanel File Manager

When your application is in maintenance mode, Laravel creates a special file that makes your site show the “503 Service Unavailable” message. Removing this file will disable maintenance mode.


  1. Login to cPanel: Access your cPanel account by entering your credentials.
  2. Open File Manager:
    In your cPanel dashboard, look for the File Manager and click on it.
  3. Navigate to Martvill Storage Folder:
    In the File Manager, open the folder for your Martvill application. Go to storage/framework.
  4. Delete the ‘down’ File:
    Inside the framework folder, you’ll see a file named down.
    Right-click on this file and choose Delete or Remove.

File Path: storage/framework/down

Once the file is deleted, your site will be out of maintenance mode and fully accessible.

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