1. Must Install nodeJs. Please check the nodeJs version by opening a command prompt or terminal window and typing “node -v” (without quotes). This should display the version of Node.js that you installed.If you have not installed nodeJs, please follow this guideline. 2. Must Install Chocolatey. Please check the nodeJs version by opening a command prompt or terminal […]
All posts by Monjurur Kader Shipu
Nodejs Installation Process
1. Go to the official Node.js website at https://nodejs.org. 2. Click on the “Downloads” button on the home page. 3. Select the appropriate Windows version for your computer (32-bit or 64-bit). 4. Once the download is complete, open the downloaded file. 5. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard. 6. Choose the destination folder where you want Node.js […]
Setup, Build and Apk creation
Follow these guidelines to generate the APK file: Initially, extract the sourcecode_v1.zip file. If you want, you can change your app name, app version and applicationId. For changing the app name go to projectName\android\app\src\main\res\values\strings.xml. To change the applicationId Search “com.artifism” in our search bar in any code editor and replace “com.artifism.com” Go to projectFolder\android\app\build.gradle Search […]