1. Must Install nodeJs. Please check the nodeJs version by opening a command prompt or terminal window and typing “node -v” (without quotes). This should display the version of Node.js that you installed.
If you have not installed nodeJs, please follow this guideline.

2. Must Install Chocolatey. Please check the nodeJs version by opening a command prompt or terminal window and typing “choco -v” (without quotes). This should display the version of Chocolatey that you installed.
If you have not installed Chocolatey, please uninstall nodeJs and then follow this guideline.

3. React Native also requires Java SE Development Kit (JDK), which can be installed using Chocolatey as well.

Open an Administrator Command Prompt (right-click Command Prompt and select “Run as Administrator”), then run the following command:
choco install -y nodejs-lts microsoft-openjdk11

4. If you’re using the latest version of Java Development Kit, you’ll need to change the Gradle version
of your project so it can recognize the JDK. You can do that by going to
{project root folder}\android\gradle\wrapper\gradle-wrapper.properties and changing the distributionUrl value to upgrade the Gradle version. You can check out here the latest releases of Gradle.